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Urine Collection for Adults and Toilet-trained Children


For females
A midstream specimen of urine is required in order to minimise the degree of bacterial contamination, so that bacteria from the possible urinary tract infection can be detected.
  • Wash hands thoroughly.
  • Sit astride toilet with legs wide apart.
  • Cleanse vagina from front to back twice with sterile water wipe.
  • Hold labia apart and commence passing urine.
  • After a few seconds and without stopping the flow, introduce the sterile container into the stream for a further 4-6 seconds, or until the container is half filled.
  • Avoid contamination of inside of container with finger or by contact with vulva.
  • After the urine is collected, replace the lid on the container ensuring correct threading and a secure closure.
  • Write your surname, first given name and date of birth on container, label with time and date of collection.
  • Refrigerate the specimen or keep in a cool place until returned to an Australian Clinical Laboratories Collection Centre.


For males

A midstream specimen of urine is required in order to minimise the degree of bacterial contamination, so that bacteria from the possible urinary tract infection can be detected.

  • Wash hands thoroughly.
  • If uncircumcised, retract foreskin and cleanse with sterile water wipe.
  • Commence passing urine into the toilet.
  • After a few seconds and without stopping the flow, introduce the sterile container into the stream for a further 4-6 seconds, or until the container is half filled.
  • Replace lid on container ensuring correct threading and secure closure.
  • Write your surname, first given name and date of birth on container, label with time and date of collection.
  • Refrigerate specimen or keep in a cool place until returned to an Australian Clinical Laboratories Collection Centre.


  • 1x 70ml Yellow-top Container Sterile Water Wipe


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The collection staff are required to check your details (surname, first given name, date of birth and date and time of collection on the container label) against the pathology request form to ensure the sample is matched to the doctor’s request. This is done to ensure the safety and security of reporting your test results.