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24 Hour Urine Collection into Plain Container


  • Eat and drink normally prior to the collection unless instructed otherwise.
  • At the start of collection, completely empty bladder and discard the urine.
  • Record the start time on the label of the container.
  • During the next 24 hours collect all urine passed into the container.
  • Exactly 24 hours after the starting time, empty bladder into the container. The collection is now complete.
  • Record the finish time on the label on the container.
  • Write your surname, first given name, date of birth and date and time of collection on the container label.
  • Store container in a cool place.
  • Return the completed 24 hour urine collection to a Australian Clinical Labs Collection Centre as soon as possible.
  • The collection staff are required to check your details (surname, first given name, date of birth and date and time of collection on the container label) against the pathology request form to ensure the sample is matched to the doctor’s request. This is done to ensure the safety and security of reporting your test results.



  • 24 Hour Urine Container
  • Available from any Australian Clinical Labs Collection Centre

In the case of a 24 hour collection for a creatinine clearance, you may be required to have a blood sample taken within 24 hours of collecting your urine or at the time of picking up the 24 hour urine container.